Part 3: Four Treasures NPC Chatter
So, if you missed it in the OP, the "X.5" updates are going to be incidental NPC chatter and other nifty things that aren't directly related to the current objective. Not strictly necessary, but this is where the game really gets to show its charm.
We begin by talking to this guy just north of where we start.

: No way! I'm having a duel with him!
Yeah, you might wanna get used to that whole "We're not friends! I-it's not like I like him or anything!
Baka..." spiel every time someone talks about Gantz in front of Justin.

: Ugh! Why is it that adults don't ever listen to what I say?
Moving right along...

: Sorry, Gram. No time for that now.

: I'll be back as soon as I settle things with Gantz. Hang on 'til then!

: No, Gram. Not a fight! This a man-to-man DUEL!
Yep, a... duel. Gantz and his three cronies on one side, and Justin, Sue, and Puffy on the other. That... that sure is a duel.

: He just got scolded.

: Well... yeah... I guess I did.
You... "guess"? Justin, the man punched you in the head. Twice.
.... Oooooooooh.

: But I did it to beat Gantz!

: That's right! Stuff like that doesn't bother me!
Hey, what's that I see in the corner?
It's almost hypnotic...
Anyway, outside, we find a group of kids.

: What should I do? Maybe I'll rat you out to "it"!

: Justin, don't be so mean.
We spoke to this kid in the normal update, but we skipped most of the conversation.

: I'm having a duel with Gantz! We're not playing hide-and-seek.

: That's right. Pippi, you're so gentle-natured, so maybe you're not cut out to be "it".

: That's right! Pippi, don't give up!

: I'm having a duel with Gantz!

: That's right, Justin. Good luck! There's no way I'm gonna become Gantz's bride. Eeew!
And yes, I will be changing (almost) every double exclamation point and "Eeeuw" when transcribing. You're welcome.

I think I can win.

Of course, I'll win easy!
I do love that Goose is omitted here.

That Gantz is no problem!

: Hee hee. If you're all counting on me, I just gotta win!
Well, it seems Justin is popular with the... one lady, anyway.
Aww, c'mon, Sue, you were just yelling at Justin for that!

: Ah ha ha ha! Tricked you! Tricked you!
Let's leave them, for now. We'll get back to the hide-and-seek saga later on.

: Even if he hears it over and over, Justin still forgets it. Tee hee.
... Another trait this game "shares" with Xenogears is the "tendency" to put "random words" in "quotation marks".

: Is that right? I LOVE stories with a happy ending.
No can do, gramps, we're bus-

Tell me "The Happy Adventurer".
That... certainly was a story. Yep.

Maybe "The Prince and the Princess".

: Such a romantic story. I'd like to fall in love with a handsome prince. ♥
Y'know what else was released in 1999? That's right.

Enough for today, Gramps. Get your rest and live a long time, OK?

: Sure. We'll be back soon. Tell us a new story then, OK?
Well, that certainly was so-, hang on a sec.

: Bye-bye!
Of course, things get silly if you stick around and talk to him again.

: No, no, not at all! Bye-bye!

: Don't cry. It hasn't really been decided to move yet, right?

: Of course that's right! Me and Justin and of course, Puffy too!

: Pufft pufft pufft!
Hmm. Let's see what those soldiers have to say.

: Well, it doesn't matter. Until we square things up with Gantz, we shouldn't be going to South Parm.

: Same to you! You couldn't get me to go across even if you asked!

: Pufft pufft puffff!
Ooo, two floors. This must be a fancy house!

: her special dish came out perfect!

: That's right! If a new dish comes out well, Mom gives me extra allowance!
Teaching her kid that success in life comes from the whims of others through events they have no control over? Lilly knows her stuff.

: Maybe he'll give me something, too!
Grandia really loves to change portraits while the characters are speaking.

: Ah ha ha ha. Poor dad.
Let's check out the upstairs.

: What are you doin', sir?

: It sounds like a letter to a little girl.

: I ought to write her a letter too!

: Justin! If you forget you won't be forgiven!

: Francios!? Is that you!?
Fun Fact
tm: When I first played this game, I thought that "ulterior motive" was just a fancy way of saying "wanting money".
I was not a smart child.

: If so I'll never forgive you.

: There's nothing wrong with a little ulterior motive either.
Let's just leave that one there, shall we?

: C'mon, with the factories, it can't be helped! Sir, aren't you enjoying the conveniences from the factories?

: But if there were no factories, the Joule Foundation would go bankrupt, right?

: As long as you know that, Sir! Good luck on your Joule Foundation work! ♥

: Hee hee, so you understand, Sir. Good luck on your work. ♥

: Mom says that soldiers having nothing to do is a good thing.

: But ma'am, why are you so angry?

: Ah hahaha... That man has a problem, too.

: But it sounds interesting. Maybe I should go see him.

: Well, his place is filled with weird machines. It's a real neat place!
Over by the port, we find another soldier.

: Why is the army investigating it?

: If I joined, I couldn't go adventuring when I wanted. ♪

: That's not it, big guy. ♪ My dream is to become an adventurer!
And with this, we've just about finished our loop around North Parm.

: Look in these eyes! Are these lying eyes? No!

: Just think, the only ones who would do that are Justin and Gantz.
Flyers, huh?

: I know, it's gotta be Gantz.

: That is like Gantz. Tee hee.

: It says "Justin the Coward"! Gantz is in for it now!

: That's right! Why, it doesn't even have my name or Puffy's name either! That's pretty rude!

: You're totally missing the point, Sue.
Phew. With that out of the way we can...
Talk to some more people!

: Awww, c'mon. I just want to look for something. Can't I come in for a little bit?

: Why are you wandering around here? Did you lose something?

: But his back is covered with seagull droppings.

: Eew! You're right.

: Might that smell be that of the seagull droppings on your back?

: Hey, I know all about 'em!

: Oh, rats. Busted again! I just climbed on the handrail to try to see the New World, and SNAP!

: The view is was different from somewhere high up!

: I'll jump on the handrail more quietly this time!
If we head for the bit that sticks out...
In case you haven't yet picked up the Pot Lid, you can see it shining here.
Now let's see how Gantz would have reacted if we brought him both the Pot and the Lid at the same time.

: Well, when I show you these, you gotta admit that I'm first-rate, Gantz!

: ... Ugh! You found the Warrior's Helmet and the Shield of Light.
Hmm. But what if we try to get the other two before showing Gantz the apron?
It just won't let us pick them up at all. Disappointing.
One final thing to show off is the NPCs who tell us about the treasures change their dialog after you pick it up.
See you next time!